Postcards from Uganda

Friday, February 23, 2007

To breathe or not to breathe

Air quality is an oxymoron in my new city. There is no such thing as "smog check" here, so cars chug diesel fuel and emit whatever they please. Add a pinch of solar heat and a dash of fumes from burning trash piles and you've got the atmospheric cocktail that inspired my first acclimation debate: windows open or windows closed?

Opening windows in cars and buildings substantially lowers the temperature and reduces perspiration. Closing windows keeps out gag-inducing exhaust and other fumes. All in all, it can be hard to breathe either way, so I quickly resolved the debate in favor of opening the windows and breathing through my hanky as needed.

Granted, breathing through a hanky is a bit too Michael Jackson for my taste, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.


At 9:25 PM, Blogger said...

haha i love it! sounds like you're having quite the adventure already =)

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yay! New reading material for classtime! :) Don't forget to say hi to the lawyers in the office for me.


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