Postcards from Uganda

Friday, November 09, 2007

Occupational hazard

I ran into some Texans in a gift shop yesterday.  We introduced ourselves, shared where we're from and what we're doing in Uganda.  I attributed my formal business attire to the court hearing I had just attended.  As soon as they learned that I'm a lawyer, they started telling me about a legal case they had encountered during their visit. 
Of the reactions I get (here or in America) when I disclose my vocation, two are most prevalent.  One is thinly-veiled disapproval.  One is inquiry into some specific legal problem.  In other words, those who do not condemn me want free legal advice. 
I'd like to think that I'm willing to help others.  But some days, when I want a break from work, when I just want to enjoy the other parts of my life, I wish I can profess my profession without having to defend or practice it.  Some days, I wish I were a proctologist. 


At 9:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

proctologist. genius. by the way, can you give me advice on filing a class action...

At 1:22 AM, Blogger said...

i think pastors may have it even worst in this regard. once a pastor, never stop being a pastor.


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