Postcards from Uganda

Saturday, September 01, 2007

CHOGM? I hardly know 'em

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) is coming to Uganda in about 80 days.

CHOGM is expected to bring the world's attention - and the taxpayer-funded per diems of representatives from 53 member states - to Uganda, and the country is dressing to impress. Major roads are being re-paved (or paved for the first time). Manhole-sized potholes have been marked to be filled. Countless hotels and luxury apartments are rushing toward a November grand-opening. The primping also includes re-routing public taxis on which residents depend (so they stay out of the city center), closing road-side shops and removing other potential visual blights to vehicles shuttling VIPs about town.

Billboards, newspaper ads and TV commercials all boast that "Uganda is ready for CHOGM." But is CHOGM ready for Uganda? Are the visiting dignitaries ready or willing or interested to see Uganda beyond their hotels and vehicles, to see both its wealth and poverty, both its modern cities and rural villages? And is Uganda ready for life after CHOGM? Billions of dollars have been poured into hosting a three-day meeting. Who will occupy the luxury hotels and apartments after the visitors have left town? Who will employ the workers who have flowed into Kampala to work in construction?

It's not uncommon to to bring out the fine china and silverware for guests or to serve them the good wine and delicacies. One can only hope that after the guests depart, the average Ugandan will get a seat at the table and have a taste from the same menu.


At 4:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

wow, it's like the olympics of international politics, huh?

At 5:21 PM, Blogger said...

hm...I have often had similar thoughts. You have a great mind for development! I think my professors would like you...=)


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