A parcel from my mom arrived a few days ago. Wedged in with packets of taco seasoning, parmesan cheese and various Chinese snacks were dietary supplements that "enhance memory, support healthy aging."
Earlier this week, as I took in the scenery along the road connecting Kampala and Jinja, I could hardly believe that I'm here, that I get to live here, to experience the things and meet the people that have filled the bulk of my days as a 30-year-old. Much of it has felt like starting from scratch. Everything seems new and different. Nothing could be taken for granted, even something as small as looking in the right direction for traffic before crossing the street. Daily life requires... more. On the roughest days, I feel tired and old. But on most days, I feel curious and stretched and alert and engaged; I feel like a kid again.
Whatever I had imagined my life to be at 30, this year has not been that. I'm glad life is not predictable; I'm delighted it's beyond my control and expectations. Perhaps surprises and challenges are God's supplements to enhance memory and support healthy aging.
2008 is a leap year. I'll have 366 days as a 31-year-old. I wonder where and how I'll spend them. I wonder who and what I'll discover and love and lose along the way.
I can't wait to find out.